We contact Enlightened Spirits to answer your questions about creating a better Earthly Life or understanding the Here-After. Ask the spirits directly. We do not contact your dearly departed ones except in special circumstances. We offer tarot card readings in person or via email. $5, $10 & $20. Our on-Line Store offers spiritual jewelry, gemstones, divining pieces and recordings of spiritual messages that are directed towards improving your life, relationships and spiritual understandings, including creation, manifestation & laws of attraction. We are serious-minded in our efforts and while sessions can be fun we hope to offer you a service that will help you throughout your entire lifetime - here and here-after! Private sessions only $65. Most go about an hour & a half. Ask all the questions you want. By appointment. Any day - including weekends. Some same-day appointments are available - just ask - we aim to suit your schedule! 35+ years professional experience. Lifelong contact with spirits. Public speaking, Business Seminars and Spiritual Group meetings available at negotiated prices designed to fit your individual needs.