Dr. Candace Salmi graduated from Northwestern Health Sciences University in 1999. In addition to being a Doctor of Chiropractic, she is also a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and she seeks to understand and to treat the underlying cause of pain, disease, and dysfunction with natural methods. She will design treatment options that are specific to your needs, which may include chiropractic, applied kinesiology, acupuncture, and nutritional supplementation. The goal is to promote optimal healing and to restore health and vitality
Dr. Salmi specializes in Applied Kinesiology Chiropractic. Dr. Salmi is an expert in spinal health care and specializes in both chronic and acute pain. Chiropractic care offers hands-on effective treatments which can help relieve your neck, back and extremity pain. Chiropractic treatments do not include surgery or medications which means you will be offered alternatives which are non-invasive, hands-on and effective. In addition to being a Doctor of Chiropractic, she is also a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and she seeks to understand and to treat the underlying cause of pain, disease, and dysfunction with natural methods. She will design treatment options that are specific to your needs, which may include chiropractic, applied kinesiology, acupuncture, and nutritional supplementation. The goal is to promote optimal healing and to restore health and vitality.