The Barnesville Police Department, located in the heart of downtown Barnesville, proudly serves a community of approximately 2500 people. With a dedicated team of 4 full-time Police Officers, a Chief of Police, a School Resource Officer, a part-time Secretary, and an Animal Control Officer, they are available 24/7 to ensure the safety and security of the residents. The department actively participates in various programs such as D.A.R.E., Child Prints, Crime Watch, Operation ID, Safe and Sober, and Residential Watch, among others.
Conveniently situated just 23 miles East of Fargo-Moorhead, Barnesville is a small city that offers a peaceful environment. The Police Department, located kitty-corner from Barnesville City Hall, has administrative staff on duty during weekdays. In case of emergencies, residents can rely on the dedicated officers who are available round the clock. With their commitment to public safety and community engagement, the Barnesville Police Department is an essential pillar of the city's well-being.
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