In the fall of 1957, five and a half acres of land near 42nd Street and France Avenue was selected as the future home of Calvin Christian School (now called Avail Academy). A two-room school building was built on the site, and school opened in the fall of 1961 with one teacher and 15 students in grades 1-5. Today, we have over 400 students across three campus locations. We changed our name the fall of 2018 to Avail Academy (formerly Calvin Christian School).
Avail Academy is a K-12 private Christian school that specializes in teaching students to avail their talents and best efforts to Christ's cause. We help students recognize their unique gifting and God's purpose for them. As K-12 educators, we're called to spark each student's potential and fan it fully into flame by expertly immersing academics in God's word and way. And because living a life of purpose doesn't start after graduation, we create opportunities now for children to develop their talents in the service of their peers, families and the broader community.