Nonresidential construction, nec, nec, Residential painting, Commercial painting
Best Painting & Cedar Specialists
HistoryBest Painting & Cedar Specialists was started by Marvin Dodge in 1967. After 25 years of painting homes for satisfied customers, his son Brian took over the business that he had been working for since he was 16. Brian continues to run a successful painting business and has expanded it's services to include general residential and commercial repairs.SpecialtiesBest Painting & Cedar Specialists has been painting interiors and exteriors in the St. Paul, Minneapolis, and surrounding suburbs since 1967. We always have an owner on site and we guarantee our work. We paint all kinds of interiors and exteriors, both residential house painting and commercial business painting. We also have been specializing in the cleaning, repairing, staining and painting of CEDAR siding, trim, decks, fences, LOG homes and businesses for over 15 years.