Wan Lee Publishing, based in Hartland, MI, is a renowned publishing company that specializes in producing captivating adventure books for children. With their popular Rusty and Purdy Adventure series, they take young readers on thrilling journeys filled with mystery and excitement, as the lovable English Setters Rusty and Purdy solve intriguing puzzles with the help of their feathered friends and other creatures.
Known for their engaging storytelling and delightful characters, Wan Lee Publishing has gained a loyal following of readers who eagerly await each new installment in the Rusty and Purdy Adventure series. From uncovering the truth behind Bigfoot footprints to unraveling the mystery of a deer with a purple nose, these books offer a perfect blend of entertainment and education, with a glossary of birds included at the back of each book. With an online bookstore now available, Wan Lee Publishing continues to bring joy and imagination to children everywhere.
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