In An Effort To Provide West Michigan With A Unique Concept That Would Employ Recipes, Techniques, Styles Of Service, And The Overall Feel Of A Restaurant That Was Lacking In This Region, Seventy-Six Was Created.The Restaurant Was Developed To Provide Amazing Modern American Food In A Relaxed, Yet Striking Atmosphere At The Same Time As Delivering Memorable Service.
Seventy-Six Is Built Around Classic Dishes Made From The Best Ingredients, Representing The Melting Pot Of Modern American Cuisine. We Embrace The Bounty Of Local Farms And Combine It With Artisanal Products From Around The World To Create Memorable Flavors. Along With Our Extensive Wine List, Seasonal Handcrafted Cocktails And Global Beer Selection, There Is Truly Something For Everyone To Enjoy. We Are Passionate About What We Do, So Please Allow Us To Attend To The Details While You Sit Back And Enjoy!