Sakena Fund is a non-profit organization based in Dearborn, Michigan, dedicated to empowering grassroots community development in Afghanistan. Through their support for quality organizations, Sakena Fund aims to provide education, healthcare, economic opportunities, and civic engagement to women and children in Afghanistan, helping them regain their dignity and self-determination. By partnering with local organizations, Sakena Fund believes in building sustainable education and health resources, enabling individuals to develop the skills and expertise needed to maintain their own self-supporting projects and rebuild their lives and communities.
Founded by Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, a respected expert and speaker on girls' education, life in Afghanistan, health, refugees, and women's empowerment, Sakena Fund actively raises awareness about Afghanistan in the USA and around the world. Driven by their mission to create hope for women and children in Afghanistan, Sakena Fund works tirelessly to support indigenous grassroots organizations and provide local solutions to address the fundamental needs of food, shelter, healthcare, employment, and education.
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