Little Orley in Grand Rapids, MI is a cherished local establishment that traces its roots back to the 1940s when it first captivated audiences as short segments on the NBC radio show of Fred Waring and His Pennsylvanians. These delightful tales, written and performed by the beloved Hugh "Uncle Lumpy" Brannum, also known as Mr. Greenjeans on the Captain Kangaroo TV show, have since become a beloved series of Decca Vocalion vinyl records in the fifties and sixties. With their timeless charm, these classic children's stories follow the adventures of farm boy Orley, offering both valuable life lessons and wholesome humor that appeals to both children and adults.
Under the care of 2022 Red Hen LLC, Little Orley continues to enchant generations with its heartwarming narratives and endearing characters. With its rich history and a discography of Orley CDs available for purchase, this local gem remains a cherished part of Grand Rapids' cultural fabric, leaving a lasting impression on all who encounter its delightful tales.
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