Huntington Woods Lutheran Church is located in northern Huntington Woods on 11 Mile. This church offers a variety of volunteer programs in the ministry for all ages, including greeters, ushers, acolytes, altar guild and nursery care. Men’s and women’s groups, Bible study, retreats, golf outings, baseball games, hiking, breakfasts, dinners, fundraisers and a senior ministry for 55 and over. There is also a music ministry that includes children's and adult's choir, handbell choir, youth hand chimes and ensemble (orchestra) performances.
This church has a variety of programs for children (ages 4 – high school), including children’s church, “Lamb’s Message,” vacation Bible school, Sunday school, nursery school, singing and snacks. This facility also includes a half and whole day preschool for ages three to five, grouped by age as Lions, Tigers and Bear Cubs. New members can attend informational classes twice a year in a six-session span.