Famous Hamburger is a name that is 45 years strong. The story of Famous Hamburger is one that truly depicts the American Dream in all of its glory. As dramatic as that sounds, the business is actually a simple burger joint, something that is a quite common site along the streets of American towns and cities. As customers enter Famous Hamburger and order their food, they begin to notice interesting things such as old photographs of past burger joints and portraits of ancestors that one would expect to find in somebody's home. However these pictures do more than just decorate the clean and fresh walls, they tell a story; one that many immigrants share, but one that too few Americans take the time to learn. It is the classic and inspiring tale of the American dream. Through their hard work and sacrifice, the Hider Family of Dearborn has transformed an old family business made in Lebanon to a modern day success here in our community.
Burgers & Shakes done Famous.