Berkley First United Methodist Church is located near downtown Berkley.
This church has a variety of programs for children including Sunday School, a church nursery, youth choir, and a variety of events during the week. Sunday school is divided up by grades: Grades K-1 (includes Montesorri teaching methods), grades 2-5 (using Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, that everyone learns differently), and grades 6-12 (church history and confirmation). Other events include summer camp, movies, drama, art, cooking, creative writing, and games. This is provided by volunteers during the church service.
Other programs include S.T.A.G.E. (Somewhere To Ask God Everything), and a youth program sponsored by several different area churches.
Adult services include Bible studies, fellowship, travel (fall color trips), charity auctions, and food drives. Other events include Just Mom and Me Having Tea, A Fun Bible Study for Mothers and Daughters, and Clanky Sunday which involves noisily collecting change for the charity Church World Service.
New members can attend membership classes which are held on the 4th Sunday of every month in the parlor after church. There is also a pizza with the pastor for new members.