History Zanshin Kenjutsu Kenpo Karate seeks to maintain the integrity of Nick Cerio's Kenpo Nicholas_Raymond_Cerio and to pass the teachings of Professor Cerio on to new generations of martial arts students. Professor Cerio was an admirer of Shotokan Karate, and in the development of his own uniquely powerful system of Kenpo drew upon many of the strengths of Shotokan while maintaining the fluidity, speed and devastating effectiveness of the art of Kenpo. Zanshin Kenjutsu Kenpo Karate maintains the blend of Shotokan's linear power along with the speed and ferocity of Kenpo that Professor Cerio developed.
Karate, Kenpo, Jiu jitsu & Traditional Japanese Weapons Karate provides an exciting fun and education environment for adults and kids to get in shape and learn how to kick butt What Marital arts provides *Fitness *Self Defense *Focus *Confidence *Respect *Self-Discipline *Skills to deal with bullies *Stress Reduction *Achievement *Enhanced athletic performance in other sports. *Develop new friendships. *Positive Family Environment Why learn martial arts?