The Vineyard is a growing association of over 750 churches in forty-seven countries worldwide, including over 500 churches in the U.S.
Vineyard Community Church is an exciting church located in Stoneham for people of all background and walks of life. Our Sunday Gatherings include time to enjoy a free cup of coffee, experience great music, a casual atmosphere, loving people, messages that are encouraging, engaging, fun, and helpful for everyday life and a fantastic program for your kids. It's a very welcoming and relaxed atmosphere; so we feel free to wear whatever you would normally wear every day. The service lasts about an hour and 15 min., but we invite you to come at 10:30 and leave when you feel ready to do so. (there is full children's program - nursery to 6th grade). We've done our best to make our church as comfortable for people as possible, whatever your background, whether you're a longtime church attendee or this is your first time of giving it a try. In fact, a healthy percentage of the people you'll see if you visit, were not regular church attendees before joining in with us.