Services, nec, nec, Felt, Sewing and needlework
National Nonwovens
National Nonwovens Company is a world leader in engineering innovative products from synthetic leather for accessories to super-absorbent materials for medical needs, to composite structural cores for the aircraft industry. Its superior fiber-processing capabilities include custom blending within 1 percent and sophisticated carding that enable the company to produce lightweight, self- supporting, uniform products from quality textiles such as wool, cotton, polyester, polypropylene, acrylics, nylon, rayon, aramids, acetate and modacrylic. The company s capabilities include needle punching and needled nonwovens that physically interlock cross-lapped layers of well blended and carded fibers to create materials with particular properties. It also uses chemical and thermobonding. With chemical bonding, after fibers are processed into a web or fabric, the material is saturated in a chemical bath and then dried and heat-cured. Thermobonding may be used to further adhere fibers that have been processed into a web or fabric by adding heat and pressure, creating a unique bond throughout the textile. National Nonwovens is the largest manufacturer of felted wool in the United States and has the on-site fabrication capabilities to meet customer requirements pertaining to size, thickness, SAE felt standards, strength, hardness, density, color and other properties. National Nonwovens Company is headquartered in Easthampton, Mass.