The Tannery is a one-stop incredibly trendy answer to all your fashion woes. With its knowledgeable and eager-to-please staff and diverse merchandise, the Tannery caters to (and indeed creates) the cutting-edge of fashion. It specializes in fusing taste with functionality, hip-ness with durability. Its sprawling show-room layout (with wall-length windows and meticulously arranged wares) spans two whole floors -- the ground floor being dedicated to footwear and accessories, the upper lever devoted to clothing. Right now it is in the midst of massive renovations, including two additional changing rooms and a whole new floor to stock and display outerwear (complete with a complimentary espresso bar “to create the feeling of a ski lodge or a sports-trip.” Fabulous!) While it does not perform repairs, the Tannery has an arrangement with a local cobbler who can fix your damaged shoes (provided you bought them here in the first place).