Chesapeake Safe Harbor is a dedicated rescue organization based in Haverhill, MA, specializing in the rescue and placement of Chesapeake Bay Retrievers of all ages. With a compassionate and experienced father-daughter team at its helm, this rescue operates out of their home in Amherst, MA, providing a safe and nurturing environment for these special dogs. Chesapeake Safe Harbor goes above and beyond to meet the individual needs of each Chessie, offering them the necessary care, training, and rehabilitation to increase their chances of finding a loving forever home.
Recognizing that the ordinary shelter environment can be challenging for Chessies, Chesapeake Safe Harbor ensures that these dogs are shown trust and respect upon arrival. They not only provide a safe haven for these retrievers but also serve as a valuable referral service to a national network of volunteers. Committed to educating the public about this remarkable breed, Chesapeake Safe Harbor is dedicated to finding suitable homes for Chessies and promoting their role as loyal custodians of their new families.
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