Myungjin Chung, the owner and founder of Treasure Moon Healing, is a New York and Massachusetts State licensed Acupuncturist, and Nationally Certified Herbalist graduated from the New England School of Acupuncture, where she studied Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture, as well as Japanese Acupuncture. Myungjin successfully completed an internship in public health settings at Malden Family Hospital (Tufts Medical School Hospital) and Mount Auburn Hospital (Harvard Medical School). After more than ten years of intensive clinical experience, treating various conditions in Manhattan, New York city, Myungjin opens another practice in Cambridge and eager to share and serve her clinical experience for patients in Greater Boston area. Currently her practice is located in Columbus Circle in Manhattan, treating patients from New York City and New Jersey, and her new practice is in Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA Treasure Moon Healing accepts Out of Net work Health Insurance such as BC/BS, Ae
Skin Condition Pain ( Muscular, Structual problems ) Anxiety, Depression Allergy/ Resipiratory problems Digestive issues Fatigue Weight Loss Detox Infertility, male /female health including Obstetrics