We are a general family dentist, with caring and friendly staff that have many years experience, with their first priority being the patient! Our practice was here for 40 years under Dr. Rosebush, and has recently undergone new ownership under Dr. Ramya K. Suresh, who has been working with us since 2013.
We provide quality general dentistry while considering our patient's financial needs, focusing on general dentistry; crowns,fillings,dentures.We don't focus on whitening, veneers or cosmetic dentistry as much.We will do some extractions or root canals here at this office to save money and limit travel distance. We welcome families and people with special needs. If you have a toothache, most of the time we can see you same day. We don't fill a cavity or touch a tooth unless it absolutely needs to be done. We accept MANY different insurances, including MASSHEALTH for those UNDER 21. We have bird feeders outside the windows and a beautiful country view to help you relax a bit! We love getting to know our patients and helping them feel right at home. You're welcome to stop in, even just for a meet and greet!