Kate Ruma & Associates Acupuncture has been serving Arlington, MA since 2006. Our mission is to educate the public about the benefits of acupuncture and traditional chinese medicine as an integral part of today's healthcare system. With over eight years of success, we look forward to adding you to our long history of happy customers.
Kate Ruma & Associates Acupuncture serves Arlington, MA with the best acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine treatments. We focus on the importance of educating you, the patient, on the benefits of acupuncture. We treat a variety of ailments including: infertility, women's health, headaches, chronic pain, sports injuries, autoimmune diseases, digestive disorders, back pain, neck pain, asthma, and allergies. We offer monthly seminars on various topics and bi-weekly seminars on back and neck pain. We believe the most important part of the acupuncture treatment process is having you understand what is going on. Our top quality licensed acupuncturists are trained to explain and educate you on what you need and provide the best, professional treatment in the city. We have patients of all ages and walks of life and believe that we'll have the right treatment for you, too Make an appointment and let us help you start healing today!