First built in 1725 as the town's original meeting house, the First Congregational Church is one of Holliston's most recognizable landmarks. An "open and affirming church, open to all believers, without regard to race, cultural background or sexual identity," FCC holds services at 9 am from mid-June – Labor Day and at 10am the rest of the year with special services held on Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Maundy Thursday and Wednesday-evening Vespers during Lent and Advent. During Sunday mass, there is a staffed child care room for children ages 2 and under and Sunday school for older children. FCC also has several musical programs, including the chancel (adult) choir, the teen choir (grades 6-12), the primary choir (grades 3-5), the cherub choir (grades K-2), the handbell choir, middle and high school bands in addition to Christmas and Spring musicals. Active in the community, FCC donates $30,000 a year to local and global charities, including the Christian Outreach, Clothes Closet and Christian Fellowship. FCC also performs weddings, baptisms and funerals, while all FCC facilities are available for rent, providing at least one person in attendance is affiliated with the church. FCC also sponsors and houses the Holliston Community Children's Center, a non-profit, non-religious pre-school.