Dom Paragon, also known as the House of Treasure, is a renowned gallery located in the serene beach community of Manchester By-the-Sea, Massachusetts. Established in 2015 by Tobias Muller and Alexander Westerhoff, who have over 27 years of experience in the Antiques Trade, Dom Paragon offers a carefully curated inventory of furniture, lighting, decor, art, jewelry, and fashion. Whether browsing online or visiting in person by appointment, customers can expect to find an ever-changing selection of exquisite pieces that exceed expectations.
With a focus on quality and style, Dom Paragon showcases iconic designs from renowned creators such as Milo Baughman, Louis Poulsen, and Cartier. From mid-century modern to art deco, their collection spans various styles, ensuring there is something to suit every taste. Whether searching for a statement piece for the home or a unique piece of jewelry, Dom Paragon offers a treasure trove of exceptional finds that will captivate any discerning shopper.
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