Convivium Musicum Inc, founded in 1987, is a renowned choral ensemble based in Somerville, MA. Led by the talented Music Director, Dr. Allegra Martin, the group presents a diverse repertoire spanning various musical periods and styles, showcasing the rich traditions of choral music. With a dedicated board of directors and a team of exceptional singers, Convivium Musicum captivates audiences with their exceptional performances and has garnered positive reviews from both critics and listeners.
Embarking on a musical journey that traverses the globe, Convivium Musicum's upcoming 2023-24 concert season promises to be a captivating experience. From the enchanting Music of the Late Spanish Renaissance to the soul-stirring compositions for a French Cathedral, and the contemplative melodies of Draw On Sweet Night, the ensemble's performances are sure to leave a lasting impression. With auditions open for all voice parts, Convivium Musicum welcomes talented singers to join their ranks and be a part of their esteemed musical community.
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