A new church in the Congregationalist tradition, this United Church of Christ congregation began in 1959. For years The Congregational Church of Weston was a church without walls, meeting in a local school to develop spiritual community before the edifice was built with a simple grace that fits into the natural surroundings along Newton Street. An early emphasis on caring relationships and warm fellowship characterizes CCW to this day. As a warm and vibrant community of faith, the church offers creative worship and a variety of programs for children, youth and adults. It is welcoming to all regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, age or economic standing.
Music and the arts are integral to worship. The sanctuary is used creatively throughout the year, at times gathering in the round, orienting to the windows, setting the stage for Children's Sunday. Communion is served the first Sunday of each month and the table is open to all. Children are invited to begin Sunday morning in worship, come forward for a "Time for Children" and then go to a 40-minute, age-appropriate Faith Discovery learning and sharing program. Childcare is provided throughout the morning. CCW is an Open & Affirming Church, welcoming all. Middle School, Confirmation, and High School youth groups; adult Bible study, Choir, Women's Spirit, Senior social activities; intergenerational and interfaith outreach and fellowship. Hosts and houses Countryside Playschool for children two years of age.