Classic Cigars is a premier cigar shop located in Hudson, MA, offering a wide selection of high-quality cigars and accessories. With a focus on customer satisfaction, they provide free delivery for orders over $50 and special promotions such as buy 3 Romeo Y Julieta cigars and get 1 of your choice plus a Romeo Bully free. Their Traveling Humidor Lounge, equipped with a 40-foot trailer and a 30-foot awning, is perfect for events, providing a state-of-the-art multi-channel satellite program viewing and a fully ventilated, air-conditioned lounge with bar seating.
Rolling Stogies, Inc., the parent company of Classic Cigars, is dedicated to serving cigar enthusiasts with a diverse range of cigar brands and products. Their extensive global inventory, from singles to full boxes, can be found in their walk-in humidor. Additionally, they offer a 10 x 10 tent for various events, including corporate functions, weddings, golf outings, and more. With a commitment to exceptional customer service, Rolling Stogies invites customers to visit their store during normal business hours or give them a call for personalized assistance.
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