Cappella Clausura is a renowned ensemble based in Newtonville, MA, dedicated to showcasing the works of women composers from the past and present. Led by Artistic Director Amelia LeClair, the ensemble collaborates with the SHIFT Orchestra Project and offers a diverse range of musical performances, including the premiere of Dame Ethel Smyth's Mass in D. With a commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion, Cappella Clausura also acknowledges and respects the Indigenous history of the Greater Boston area, offering support to Indigenous communities.
As a non-profit organization, Cappella Clausura relies on the support of various organizations, including the Massachusetts Cultural Council and the Newton Cultural Council, to bring their innovative and inclusive programs to life. With a mission to uplift and inspire through music, Cappella Clausura invites individuals from diverse backgrounds to join their Board of Directors and contribute to the organization's growth and impact.
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