The mission of Active Recovery Boston is to be your soft tissue injury experts. Soft tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves) is involved in all kinds of injuries. Headaches, back pain, tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, iliotibial band syndrome, shin splints, and plantar fascitis are just the tip of the soft tissue injury iceberg. Despite the vast prevalence of soft tissue problems, the healthcare system has not made them a priority. The reasons are many. No single profession specializes in soft tissue injuries. Diagnosis cannot be made by technology such as metabolic tests or labs. And, unfortunately, there are no soft tissue wonder drugs. All of this adds up to a generally poor understanding of these kinds of injuries. We are changing this for the better. We understand soft tissue and know how to diagnose soft tissue problems. We integrate pertinent information gathered in your history and exam to form a