Your Healing Place, led by Dr. Stephanie Reid, PhD, is a transformative wellness center in Baltimore, MD, dedicated to helping women over 40 worldwide create the life they love. Through personalized coaching and naturopathic services, including Zyto scanning, detox, and Hair Tissue Analysis, Dr. Stephanie helps clients unravel their spirit, mind, and body blindspots and pitfalls, empowering them to thrive in their middle-aged years and beyond.
With a focus on the beautiful dance between the spirit, mind, and body, Your Healing Place offers a range of services, including comprehensive wellness workups, electronic testing, bundle up services, virtual appointments, and hair tissue analysis. By tapping into the superconscious mind and integrating coaching and naturopathic protocols, clients are guaranteed to reach their wellness goals and achieve optimal health, abundance, and fulfilling relationships. Discover your wellness sweet spot and start living the life you love with Your Healing Place.
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