Vitality Acupuncture and Wellness, located in Annapolis, MD, offers holistic acupuncture services that have been practiced for over 3,000 years in China. By accessing the body's natural energy systems, acupuncture creates balance and harmony, preventing and reducing dis-ease on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Magdalena DiZebba Newhardt, a practitioner at Vitality, combines the J.R. Worsley 5 Element Acupuncture and 8 Principle styles to heal body symptoms and address the root cause, while nurturing the patient's 5 Element constitution for overall health and wellness.
With a focus on creating a balanced mind, body, and heart, Vitality Acupuncture and Wellness has helped clients experience improved anxiety management, better sleep schedules, and enhanced self-awareness. Through acupuncture treatments, clients have reported a reduction in panic attacks and a newfound ability to engage in the present moment. The practice also offers treatment plans tailored to individual needs and aims to educate clients about the benefits of acupuncture for overall well-being.
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