ThriftBooks is the world's largest online independent used book seller, offering a wide assortment of quality used and new books at everyday low prices. With a commitment to customer satisfaction, they hand-grade every book in their inventory and provide accurate grading, ensuring customers receive books in the desired condition. Through their ReadingRewards loyalty program, they reward loyal customers with free books, while their profit-sharing relationship with libraries and community outreach initiatives demonstrate their dedication to supporting valuable institutions and giving back to communities.
Driven by a belief in the power of books and the written word, ThriftBooks aims to save books and provide them with new homes, where they can educate, entertain, inspire, and transform lives. With state-of-the-art automation and advanced analytics, they operate in a safety-first environment, delivering books directly to their cherished customers. Their brand promise is to offer quality books, accurately graded, at affordable prices, and their award-winning customer service team ensures customer satisfaction. ThriftBooks is a trusted name in the book industry, with a 5-star rating on Trustpilot and a commitment to connecting with communities and making a positive impact on a global scale.
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