Speed's Grocery Center is a small yet convenient grocery store that serves the historic Turners Station residents. It carries all your basic necessities such as eggs, milk, bread, toilet paper, snacks, ice cream, snowballs and even over-the-counter medicines in small/travel portions, stamps and envelopes. It also offers freshly baked cookies, donuts and muffins, along with fresh coffee everyday. Kids will love the candy rselection, all of it ranging in price from 5 cents to 20 cents. As an added bonus, any child who does the math correctly when adding up a purchase gets a piece of candy for free.
Speed's Grocery Center is also a faith based training center that has paired up with Soller's Point High School to teach and provide experience to young adults on how to run and manage a small business. In addition, to promote the beauty and history of Turners Station, it has created a historic section where they sell books about the community's history.