In 1996, Roseda Farm began as a purebred Black Angus operation in Monkton, MD. Roseda purchased only top quality cows and used purebred Black Angus bulls to produce high marbling offspring, which would yield high quality beef for the consumer. Roseda Farm began selling freezer beef to individual customer in 1999. As the number of Roseda approved bulls increased, Roseda started buying the calves produced by its cattleman. Rather than sell the finished cattle, Roseda contacted a local, family-owned supermarket, about selling the beef. Roseda beef is now currently sold in over 20 family-owned grocery stores, served at numerous college campuses and hospitals, and is the preferred beef at many fine dining restaurants in the Baltimore-Washington DC region. Roseda Beef is truly an exceptional product, offering a consistently delicious eating experience,from our farm to your family.
Roseda is all natural Black Angus beef. We give no growth hormones or stimulates to the animals. Antibiotics only as needed. All Roseda Beef is dry aged 14 to 21 days to ensure that great beef flavor!