For nearly 40 years Dr. Kotlicky has specialized in diagnosing and treating binocular vision problems that interfere with reading and learning. You can have 20/20 eyesight, yet lack the visual skills critical for reading and comprehension. Vision problems such as, Convergence Insufficiency, are often mis-diagnosed as ADHD due to the similarity of symptoms. If you or your child avoid reading, have poor comprehension, skip or re-read words or lines, have a tracking problem, experience headaches with close work, have a short attention span for reading/deskwork, or are not achieving to full potential at school, sports or work, schedule a Developmental Vision Evaluation today. It will test ALL the visual skills critical for reading and learning, not just how well you can read the eye chart. Attend a free seminar at our Columbia office to learn more about the signs and symptoms of binocular vision problems and how vision therapy can help. We also have a treatment center in Pikesville.