We have been serving as pediatric dentist for the Germantown and Frederick comunities since 2007.
We are a trusted pediatric dental practice dedicated to helping children, teens and special needs patients in Germantown and Frederick, Maryland and nearby communities, achieve a confident and healthy smile. We allow parents or guardians to be in the room during exams, cleanings and dental treatments. That way parents can see and reinforce the information given to each child for proper brushing, flossing and diet. With young children, we allow adults to sit with the child on the chair so they can see what is being done. This gives the child a secure feeling during the dental visit. We like younger siblings to accompany and watch too, so they will become confident dental patients. Moreover, we are dedicated to give excellent care for special needs, sedation and hospital dentistry under General Anesthesia for those who are having very difficult time for multiple dental treatment visits.