Caprikorn Farms is a renowned goat dairy farm located in Frederick, MD. With a strong focus on breeding high-producing Saanen goats, the farm has consistently produced top-performing does that excel in milk production. Their goats have achieved impressive milestones, such as surpassing 5,000 pounds of milk in a 305-day lactation period and earning top rankings in USDA-DHIA Genetic Evaluations. Caprikorn Farms takes pride in their exceptional genetics and continues to strive for excellence in the dairy industry.
Known for their dedication to quality and performance, Caprikorn Farms has gained recognition for their outstanding goats. The farm has received numerous accolades, including winning Dairy Herd at the District III Saanen Specialty and producing top-ranking does in milk fat protein. With a commitment to breeding excellence, Caprikorn Farms has become a trusted name in the goat dairy community, offering valuable genetics and producing high-quality milk.
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