Apotheke DuJardin (a-poth-eek du-jar-deen) is a woman, veteran-owned, all around holistic wellness and lifestyle brand. Our focus is to educate and provide resources to help you live a healthy, nontoxic, lifestyle. The online store was built to provide you access to affordable, pure, organic, and sustainable wellness products. We also have a TikTok page, Instagram, Facebook, and email newsletter to keep you up to date on tips and informational posts and videos. We occasionally share how-to's so you can make your own products at home! We are opening two storefronts soon! They will be zero-waste refilleries where we will provide bulk herbs and spices, beauty and home care products and act as a hub for fellow like-minded artisans to share their goods. As a Wellness and Nutrition Coach, Ellie will see clients, teach classes, and offer other special services. Please stay tuned for more information as we get things sorted!