Ponomo was established in the winter of 2001. While it began as a one-of-a-kind handbag company, Ponomo quickly evolved to include both an accessory and metalworks line. Ponomo is a small company with a significant presence. We strive to provide our customers with a cutting edge style of true authenticity, originality, and agelessness. We know that the duality of comfort and beauty is important which is why we have concocted this unparalleled potion combining only the finest metals, leathers, textiles, hardware and vintage findings. Less is more: each piece of work enables our customers to have as much individuality as they so choose. All Ponomo products are handmade from the finest materials here in the lovely state of Maine by designer, Hannah Tarkinson. With an acute attention to detail, a fashion forward style, and a sharp eye for vintage findings, the results are extraordinary creations of beauty and durability.