Phil's Quality Painting, LLC was started in 2007 and is currently in business. I'm a owner and operator (painter) of this business. So when I start a job it begins with one painter and is completed by one painter, and that painter is me.
In need of home updates? Do you want your walls to match your family's personality? Take your home to the next level with Phil's Quality Painting LLC. If you have a home office or an area of study in your home, picking the right color scheme could help provide increased concentration, or extra motivation and inspiration. Together I will help you pick the right colors and sheen that could lift you to new heights. Attention: EPA Lead Removal Certified...if your home was built pre-1978, and are thinking about hiring a painting contractor or other tradesmen to perform any type of renovations you will need to make sure the contractor is EPA lead removal compliant if they are, they will or should be able to produce their Lead Removal certificate anytime upon request...go to news & updates for more information.