Mend-A-Body Solutions is a wellness and waistline management company that is committed to providing products and services that promote a comprehensive approach to optimum wellness and weight management. Mend-A-Body Solutions offers a combination of education and wellness coaching on how a low-glycemic, low-inflammatory lifestyle promotes results for effective weight loss and relief from pain and/or inflammation-related disease. We are different from traditional commercial weight-loss companies because of a three-pronged approach focused on reducing whole body inflammation, which includes one-on-one coaching; healthy food choices, including food from mendabody.com; and a line of supplements designed specifically to work in tandem with our program philosophies. Materials provided to members of the program include some very unique styles of education and information regarding nutrition and weight loss support that have been developed by staff experts. Clients are quickly empowered to a point where they can make significant weight loss and/or wellness advancements they will need in order they follow the recommendations.