David Losavio, also known as DLo, is a talented artist based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Graduating from LSU in 2017, he discovered his passion for painting five years ago and has since dedicated himself to creating vibrant and expressive artwork. With a focus on pop art portraits, DLo's bold use of color brings to life the individuals who inspire him. Currently residing in New Orleans, he devotes his time to his art, capturing the essence of his subjects through his unique artistic style.
David Losavio's art name, DLo, has become synonymous with his captivating and energetic artwork. Hailing from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, he found solace and joy in painting, leading him to pursue it as a full-time career. Graduating from LSU in 2017, DLo's artistic journey has been marked by his use of bold colors and his ability to create striking pop art portraits. Now based in New Orleans, he continues to channel his passion into his art, capturing the spirit and inspiration of the people he portrays on canvas.
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