WikiWoo began when three Verizon sales reps working in a retail setting began to notice the heavy demand for used cell phones. People would come to the Verizon Store to upgrade their phone and didn't know what to do with their old one, so we would personally purchase it from them and resell it online. The other scenerio would involve a customer who would come to the store, have a damaged phone, and no upgrade available for a new phone which left them with no choice but to buy a used phone from one of us. The Vision was born. Pay cash to the people who want to get rid of their old phones and sell them to the people that needed a used phone!! We opened our doors in late 2012 with our first physical buyback location in Oxmoor Mall in Louisville, KY. It was an instant hit with our customers as they were in disbelief that they could walk into the mall with a used cell phone and walk out with cash in their hand...instantly!! Our goal is to have locations nationwide for your convenience.
WikiWoo specializes in buying new and used cell phones, tablets, MacBooks, iPods, iPads and more from the general public and from businesses. We have kiosk locations in Shopping Malls where you can get instant cash in your hand when selling your device, or you can go through our website and ship your device to us for payment via certified check or through PayPal. We are committed to you convenience