The Persnickety Pig, located in Cadiz, KY, is a renowned gift shop that has been a beloved part of the community for over three decades. Originally known as Broadbent's Food and Gifts, the shop was founded in 1988 by Katie Broadbent and her husband, Smith Broadbent III. With its award-winning Broadbent Ham and ham products, the store quickly gained fame and became a go-to destination for locals and visitors alike.
Under the guidance of Ms. Katie, the Persnickety Pig not only offered a delightful shopping experience but also provided employment opportunities for many young girls in the area. Known for her wisdom, class, and high expectations, Ms. Katie created a cherished legacy that continues to thrive even after her retirement. Today, the Persnickety Pig offers a wide range of products, including clothing, home decor, accessories, jewelry, and gourmet foods. With their comprehensive wedding and shower registry service, the shop aims to make gift-giving a stress-free experience, ensuring that every customer finds the perfect item to celebrate their special occasion.
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