Wilbeck Chiropractic is located in Wichita, KS serving it and the surrounding area with outstanding chiropractic care. Our team of board certified doctors help people overcome lower back pain, neck pain, headaches and many other conditions. We do this through all natural chiropractic care. Our mission is to promote health in the area through chiropractic care.
Our clinics offer chiropractic services to Wichita and the surrounding area. We treat many problems including low back pain, headaches, neck pain, sciatica, pregnancy related low back pain and even pediatric chiropractic. We also offer modalities such as electrical stimulation, intersegmental traction (roller bed), spinal decompression, ultrasound therapy and many others.Visit us at our Northeast Wichita Clinic on North Rock Road or at our West location on West Central Ave. Call our Northeast office at 316-500-8700, or our West location at 316-946-0606.