The story of The Heritage Home Team begins several years ago with a young woman who had a passion for personal finance. Crystal wanted to learn how the average American grew their wealth. What her studies always brought her back to was that Americans that owned homes were wealthier and more 'comfortable' then Americans that did not own their own home.
The Heritage Home Team @ Keller Williams specializes in you - it's not just about moving into any home. It's about finding a home of good quality in a good area that will continue to appreciate year after year. This is what Crystal and The Heritage Home Team pride themselves in: finding a good quality home, in the target price range, in the available time frame. How does this apply to you, the seller? Whether in a seller's OR buyer's market the best way to sell your home is by appealing to potential buyers; to make sure they can see themselves living in your home, not wondering who currently lives there. My job is not only to help you price and market your home aggressively - it is also to view your home through the eyes of a buyer, from the very beginning. Each Keller Williams Office is independently owned and operated.