Opened November 4, 2013 with three children and 5 staff members. Now we have on average 18 staff members and can share our love with up to 56 children.
We have many features that help us to stand out as unique and different. First thing we like to let parents know is that we are a secure facility. Meaning, our front door is locked at all times and nobody can enter without a code. We have video cameras in all the classrooms and the playgrounds. Each family is given the ability to view their child's classroom and playground from any smart phone, tablet or computer that has internet access. The curriculum is adjusted for that age of child. Teachers have out side of classroom planning time. All of our meals and snacks are made home made and are low sugar for better health and wellness, Our work culture is based around helping and assisting each other. We practice and train in Conscious Discipline. Conscious Discipline is a comprehensive social and emotional intelligence classroom management program that empowers each of us. Children leave our care more confident and able to speak up and use their words around their individual needs