Conventional chiropractic offices focus on accident/injury, short term relief of pain, increasing range of motion, and reducing spasm. Most of them do a great job. The doctors at Keystone Chiropractic decided to take a different approach. Our goal is to provide an engineer's approach to the spine called Neuro-Structural Correction. Through this method we seek to create a long lasting change to the body where you can see AND feel the difference.
Beginning with our complimentary consultation, and throughout the entire relationship with Keystone Chiropractic, what really stands out is our commitment to excellence. We listen, and then explain how our brand of chiropractic - Neuro-Structural Correction (NSC) may be able to help patients feel and function better. We are thorough, focus on every detail of a patient's relationship with our practice, and are committed to being a key partner along the journey to optimal wellness.