A little over a year after I lost my first job, I was in the same situation. Job two, done, and not on my terms. Both times I was caught off guard. After I stood back up from the sharp cut to the throat from the clothesline, I proudly brushed off my resume and started applying. I landed interviews. I also applied for what I felt were the perfect jobs! And then, I would wait for the reply... which often never happened. It was such an energy drain. Around this same time, I also heard whispers to look into something where I help others. I spent time researching and felt relief when I learned about life coaching. Looking back on it now, I can see how lit up I got when I found others doing this. It was like I couldn't find enough people to talk to. I wanted to know every angle of coaching. Investing in myself and my future was something I didn't take lightly, and yet I knew deep within it was the answer. My intuition was guiding me along the way and brought me a sense of peace.
Helping professional women love their jobs. Offering free Career Clarity Consults.