Hartig Hearing & Optical is dedicated to providing high quality healthcare. Our staff is well trained in their field of expertise and pays exceptional attention to your unique needs; everything we do is designed around your need for individual care. Achieving this goes beyond offering extensive counseling and follow-up care but in also offering products and services that feature the latest advances in technology. Dr. Gardner and the entire staff at Hartig Hearing Care & Optical are thankful for the opportunity to take part in your family's healthcare needs.
At Hartig Hearing Care & Optical, we strive to provide the highest quality of eye and ear healthcare in Dubuque, Iowa. We offer comprehensive eye and ear health services for all members of your family because we know how much your healthcare and appearance means to the quality of your life. You want someone who is willing to take the time to go over all of your options and treat you as a person, not just a patient. In Michigan speak with Kevin Hartig about your hearing needs. In Iowa, meet our hearing expert Rhonda Carbone and our Optical expert Michelle Gardner. Come experience our industry leading patient service, expert knowledgeable, safe and proven procedures, and the latest in hearing and optical technology.