Hearing Care Services. Our Hearing TestsHearing testing is painless, comfortable, and safe. It consists of answering questions about your hearing health, recognizing everyday words at different volume levels, and identifying tones of differing sound frequencies reproduced with headphones. Your ability to hear each tone, or frequency, reveals the unique hearing pattern of your hearing abilities, which we then record on an audiogram.Only the Best for Your EarsThe test is completed in a state-of-the-art sound booth using earphones and other types of noninvasive diagnostic instruments. The audiologist uses this data, along with a basic physical examination, to determine the type and severity of your hearing loss. These tests will determine whether your hearing loss is best treated medically or with hearing aids.Keeping Up with Your Hearing ChangesAs we get older, hearing changes can occur quickly, and the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association recommends that individuals over 50 receive regular hearing screenings at three-year intervals. If you wear hearing aids, it's important to have your hearing checked even more regularly to ensure that your hearing aids are properly adjusted. Remember, most general practitioners do not screen for hearing loss, so your hearing difficulty can easily go unnoticed by your primary care doctor.