"Abby Miller, owner of Des Moines Acupuncture Clinic, focuses on male and female fertility, chronic pain syndromes such as fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis, cardiometabolic issues such as blood pressure and diabetes, endocrine patterns such as PCOS, brain based issues such as stroke rehab, and auto immune conditions such as Ulcerative Colitis and Hashimotos Thyroiditis, within a Chinese Medicine paradigm. We offer a lifestyle approach to our patients. Nutrition, meditation, breathing exercises combined with acupuncture, acupressure and cupping provide our patients a great bluprint for a healthy life. Every patient treatment is customized to their needs. In addition to studying abroad in Japan and Denmark, Abby Miller has been trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Japanese Medicine, Korean and Vietnamese styles. Treating over two thousand patients a year since 2001, the clinic has seen many satisfied patients. We have a passion for preventing that which is preventable while encouraging patient participation in their care. We work in tandem with the patient medical providers to co-manage complex cases which, in turn, offers the patient the best of both medicines. Often times, patients have seen many specialists before they see us. We understand when they say, ""I am so frustrated, my doctor is only giving me more drugs and I can't function/work/live my life when I take them. Can you help me?""
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